Behind the Scenes
How Loving Mystic Mantis Scrub Hats Are Made

Hi there! Here's me being my goofy self once again! ;D
I noticed you poking around, curious and eager to know more about Loving Mystic Mantis. Maybe you'd like to know what my workplace looks like. Maybe you're curious how I made the scrub hats. Or perhaps you like to learn a little more of what I do behind the scenes.
Well, you'd come to the right place!
First I collect these utterly, gorgeous cotton fabric with lovely patterns then I use the tie back or bouffant template to chalk the fabric and cut it. I am a creature of habit and I meticulously iron out the wrinkles from the newly cut fabric. Afterward I begin to pin down the fabrics together to hold it in place for the sewing machine to surge the fabric edges so it will not fray overtime. For tie back scrub hats, this process can take me between 30-45 minutes. For large bouffants, it takes me between 1 hr to 1 1/2 hrs.

I put aside the sewing machine and clear the workplace in preparation for the next stage. I bring out two white umbrellas for better lighting effect. I bring out the head model prop for wearing scrub hats. I start taking photos with a high quality digital camera. Taking photos for one scrub hat at a time, taking in every angles, can be a very tedious process but well worth it in the end.
I uploaded the photos onto the computer, ready to be photo-shopped for better image saturation, color correction (because sometimes the image quality doesn't match the color of fabric in real life and thus need to be adjusted), and completely black out the background so all the focus is on the scrub hat products. This can take me between 15-20 minutes for all 5 or 6 alternative images of the same scrub hat.
This is the final stage in which takes another 20 minutes. This is the part where I upload the product images onto my online stores, write out the descriptions, add any remaining details such as pricing or optional buttons features.
Thank you for watching!